In the dark and at the night,
I sat with a pen and a paper to write
all the memories of my childhood,
all my mischieves and all my mights.
I remembered all my crazy deeds.
The plant I am today,I sorted its seeds.
I looked for the days that made me cry
then I wished myself well and told them bye !
I recalled the day when I got a new cycle,
to ride me to school,with no problems to tackle.
I reckoned my friends and all my foes
and playing hide-&-seek with them with runny nose.
Exams were then no great fear.
There wasn`t any need to burn the lamp and prepare.
Mummy just told me to prosper
and bribed me with a cadbury to brush up my gear.
There were days when I was on cloud 9
with my facile grades,perceiving world as a sunshine.
Everything seemed to be happy and gay,
with a candy smile, starting each new day !
Days were a bliss and life - an apparent fun.
With only wingding and no glum
No problems to handle and no worries.
My innocent heart ! A treasure of only good memories.
Then came the dawn of my teenage
with a burden of entrances, me still unfledged.
Life got ruined, mummy`s cadbury also blew
My heart transformed into brain with syllabus at each edge.
Writing it all down, I got moved with this flash back.
Life was better in the days of the past.
I pray to god to become such an engineer,
so as to invent a time machine and get my childhood back !